NHL Picks: The Z-Code System NHL Forum, Member Services

NHL Picks: A Look Inside Our NHL Forums Following New York Rangers Win vs New York Islanders

I wanted to bring your attention to what goes on inside the walls of the VIP Club today. A lot of times I think people don’t realize exactly what our service is and it’s hard to get a full grasp of everything we offer solely from the screenshots provided here. Following a win for my NHL Picks Forum inside the VIP Club of the Z-Code community (that I did not post to this Facebook board), I just wanted to show you guys what we’re all about on the inside.

With membership, you get a number of features. When I speak to new members and Facebook fans, I think sometimes exactly what we do is lost in comparison to what we show on Facebook. We do a lot of fun contests with real cash prizes (members only in addition to the free Facebook contests you see regularly), automated systems, and much, much more than the computer algorithm picks you see each day on Facebook with my analysis provided alongside them.

What I think my favorite part of Z-Code brings is our forums. While the computer algorithm screenshot posted each day is a crucial part to my system (where I haven’t had a losing season since joining the team before Z-Code even went private), the forum is sometimes where our seasoned subscribers look. While the commentary and analysis of the community in our VIP Picks tab with computer-generated, winning picks is our trademark, the forum is where individual experts in the Z-Code community make their money and share their plays.

Our panel of experts is fully accountable with systematic tracking of picks provided in a forum setting. Many provide analysis and dialogue, others just provide picks. Personally, I provide a commentary and analysis like what you see in our free Facebook picks in addition to a simple forum like the one shown here. If you want to just see what I am betting with my own money on my own time, I tell you exactly what each play I make is. We track the units all season and have been in profit across all sports I work with since I’ve been published professionally. If you want to work through your own picks and develop your own system, we provide incredible tools to do so on your own. If you want to filter through the information provided by our community as a whole, as I often do, we have those options as well.

Today, I wanted to show you a look at my forum. We’re up on the season again, and it’s all very straightforward. With my colleagues, Z-Code not only offers a proven computer algorithm and the insight of a winning community, there are also straightforward “bet this game, and bet this much on it” type of options within our community if you want to have a “no mess, no fuss” approach to things.

Just thought I’d clear that up. Our forums are simple and easy to follow and designed to isolate expert analysis from our extensive betting tools. On a day where I personally have no NHL bets, I figured sharing something that gave a little insight to what we’re all about could be useful for anyone considering a membership. If you have any questions – reach out. I respond to all Z-Code inquiries and messages personally (as long as they are in English).


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P.S. Upgrade to Zcode VIP Club and Unlock All Winning Picks. Instant Access.

Click to Upgrade To VIP Club