NBA Picks and Predictions $100 Contest: Celtics Bulls

NBA Picks and Predictions Facebook Contest: Free to join, winner takes 100 dollars – Round Five, Celtics Bulls.

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I posted the standings to our Facebook page, but this competition is still anyone’s game.  Here are the results after four rounds:

Four Wins: Mark Donatiello
Three Wins: Danilo

Two: XycXyc, Izabela Janchowska, Richard Bhamin, Marcin, Mike Zed, Mark Larsen, Ryan Hurdes, Victor Matias, Rogelio Avant

One: Mark Larsen, Jabz, Alberto, Chris, Alan, Carlos, Saroe Kuldeep, Jose Gregorio, Mendez Romero, Triple Play, Cyril Lighty, Michal J, Jonny Ma, Vladislov G, Karol Janchowska, Nejc G, Jaka J, Luis U, Praveen M, Sergej Sergio, Brandi Jones, Alan Singleton, Steve Stamos, Bobby Onnhagen

The Boston Celtics have been pretty consistent lately, while the Bulls have started winning again.  Both teams are strong defensively.  The Celtics are led by fantastic coaching and depth with veteran leadership.  The Bulls are led by defense, with some solid depth as well.  Still, the Bulls are struggling to score – but they are the home team and will likely be favored as a result.  This should be a great game and I’ll feature some in depth analysis on Tuesday.

Good luck to everyone in our competition!

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