We have new contender on the driving seat after round 8th! It happened despite the fact that Cliff(wildth***) is still amazing and noted another profitable round. New leader Rick(cherrytwister) is simple out of this planet at the now! He just won another 3 units call with odds @2.5 and took first position in the rank! I can’t wait for round 9 and Cliff’s answer to latest Rick’s performance! Or maybe Rick will increase the advantage!? Who knows, Sunday and Monday will give the answers!
Round 8 was extremely exciting and 5 players noted best possible profit in a single round. $450 was grabbed this time by Rick(cherrytwister), Billygoat(billygoat***), Jiong(snowman1818), Edis(edis.sejfula), Derek(derekthorpe_2003). As you can see old Zcode crew is still in brilliant shape! They are like a wine, the older the better!
Please note also that round 9 is coming so after one next round another bankroll boosters will be added to the virtual bankrolls for best profitable players in last three rounds. So make good calculations to qualify for a bonus, it might be very important factor in a rivalry for a playoffs spots. Good luck!


1 Rick(cherrytwister) $450 – Rick continues his aggressive tactic and it’s almost sure that will get 3rd bonus in the contest. The only question is if it is his first perfect stage in this contest or not. So far in two previous stages he was 2W 1L, but now there is great chance for a full sweep and with big bonus for stage 3 Rick can become a real dominator before last three rounds. With one more win Rick will be on 5 wins streak. What a run! Congratulations!

2 Billygoat(billygoat***) $450 – Chiefs were very generous for Billygoat as well! Great recovery round with $450 of profit puts Billygoat again at the forefront of the contest race. He is already on 6th position with very serious chances for 3rd consecutive bonus in the contest. Fantastic play through whole competition so far Billygoat. Congratulations!

3 Jiong(snowman1818) $450 – Jiong has just switched into full risk mode and thanks to that he is now 3rd best player in stage 3! $450 in round 8 gives him 19th in the rank and practically guaranteed bonus in stage 3 so prospects are currently great for Jiong. A way way better than prospects for Coyote to catch the Road Runner someday…

4 Edis(edis.sejfula) $450 – yeah! Edis comes back from the dark part of the rank and immediately he is on the boarder of the playoffs spots. Now he needs to secure a bankroll booster after round 9 and his chance to qualify for playoffs will go up significantly. So far $450 grabbed in round 8 is enough to have $150 of profit in stage 3 and bankroll $10 230 which gives 33rd position in the rank overall. There are 32 places in playoffs so keep pushing Edis!

5 Derek(derekthorpe_2003) $450 – here is the same story for Derek. He also comes back from the darkness and also has serious chance for playoffs now. Derek made $150 in last two rounds and now most important thing to do is to finish stage 3 in the green. Round 9 may be crucial for playoffs mission for Derek. Keep pushing!

6 Danilo(danilo) $435

7 Jimmy(dioguardi0928) $393

8 Anthony(tony.moch***) $335

9 Jenda(ja.n***) $293

10 Packer Dave(pakr***) $273


1 Rick(cherrytwister) +1 $12 154 – Rick continues his aggressive tactic and it’s almost sure that will get 3rd bonus in the contest. The only question is if it is his first perfect stage in this contest or not. So far in two previous stages he was 2W 1L, but now there is great chance for a full sweep and with big bonus for stage 3 Rick can become a real dominator before last three rounds. With one more win Rick will be on 5 wins streak. What a run! Congratulations!

2 Cliff(wildth***) -1 $12 063 – Cliff continues his fantastic streak and noted another profitable round, but he is more cautious lately and in few previous rounds he split a risk into two picks. This way Cliff slowed down tempo a little bit, but his bankroll still goes up steadily round after round. Perfect scenario for contest drama in the end and I am sure Cliff still feels that he controls contest situation. Congrats Cliff, great play!

3 Anthony(tony.moch***) +1 $11 661 – Anthony just tied up longest winning streak in the contest and his streak is still alive! There is very good probability that 8 consecutive wins may be enough to win this classification and Anthony needs only one more perfect pick to make it now. Fading the public strategy is not generous in last weeks in NFL, but Anthony is still able to pull a bunch of winners. This time Jags did the job for him and Anthony added $335 to the bankroll. Congrats buddy!

4 Packer Dave(pakr***) +4 $11 393 – Packer Dave got big hits in last two rounds, but recovery mode in ON since now! Losses from round 7 practically are recovered so Packer needs now profitable round 9 to qualify for a bonus in stage 3. Then last three rounds will be enough to adjust the tactic and go stronger or maybe to reduce the risk a little bit in the end. Without any doubts it is a good position for final attack in the end of the contest. Congrats Packer!

5 Peter(petek***) -2 $11 177 – unfortunately Seahawks were very disappointing last week and that costed Petek his amazing winning streak. Some damages to his bankroll were done, but nothing is lost yet. Petek is still in profit in stage 3 so most important now is to not go below zero in round 9. Its more or less the same situation like for Packer Dave. Petek will try to secure bonus in round 9 and then there are still enough rounds to adjust the tactic and catch the leaders. Stay strong Petek!

6 Billygoat(billygoat***) +11 $11 164

7 Gustavo(gvies***) -2 $10 941

8 Kevin(modularinnovat***) +3 $10 933

9 Duane(dpa2711) -3 $10 883

10 Damon(unclere***) -3 $10 863


1 Rick(cherrytwister) $840
2 Anthony(tony.moch***) $615
3 Jiong(snowman1818) $450
4 Henri(henri.lahtin) $339
5 Jamie(earlymin) $310
6 Jenda(ja.n***) $293
7 Cliff(wildth***) $258
8 Robert(robert_tucci) $255
9 Billygoat(billygoat***) $150
10 Edis(edis.sejfula) $150
11 Derek(derekthorpe_2003) $150
12 Jeffrey(jeff8***) $140
13 Danilo(danilo) $135
14 Jimmy(dioguardi0928) $93
15 Jaka(jaka.josipo***) $75
16 Wade(drz***) $70
17 Gustavo(gvies***) $60
18 Duane(dpa2711) $45
19 Peter(petek***) $33
20 Mikhail(auramedia) $18

NFL King Platinum Prize – 1st place (regular contest)
$500 USD + legendary Zcode T-shirt

NFL King Gold Prize – 2nd place (regular contest)
$200 USD + legendary Zcode T-shirt

NFL King Silver Prize – 3rd place (regular contest)
$150 USD + legendary Zcode T-shirt

Special Prize – Longest winning streak 1st place (regular contest)
$100 USD + legendary Zcode T-shirt

Special Prize – Best ROI% 1st place (regular contest)
$100 USD + legendary Zcode T-shirt

Playoff winner
$300 USD

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