NHL Picks Contest ($100 Prize): Toronto Maple Leafs at Phoenix Coyotes

NHL Picks Contest: Toronto Maple Leafs at Arizona Coyotes
Tuesday, Dec. 22nd

white_tiger-wallpaper-960x540It’s funny, but the Toronto Maple Leafs are everything the Arizona Coyotes want to be, right? History and prestige aside, the Toronto Maple Leafs have put a terrible team on the ice and still fill the arena. Oh, why can’t the Arizona Coyotes have the same loyal fans? Woe is the Phoenix Desert.

That said, while both teams are still pretty bad, the future is pretty bright. The Toronto Maple Leafs are still a destination for free agents, while the Arizona Coyotes are starting to assemble enough young talent to compete. So, on Tuesday, who ya got? As always, simply comment on this post to participate. First to ten wins gets $100!

Four Wins
Pat O’Rielley

Three Wins
Alex Dionne

Two Wins
Duane Atkinson
Mark Donatiello
Tommy Lemieux
Lee Kal-el Clark
Anthony Bud
Jeff Kuper

One Win
Theo Arnould
Aaron Felix
Stephane Tricocet
Josh Waterhouse
Mike Gauthier
Tarjani Gergely
Eglis Strauss
Robert Wilson
David Varga

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