NFL Super Bowl LVII Winner Odds: Buffalo Bills topping the outright winner odds

The NFL is nearing the playoffs, as Super LVII comes more into focus. The Buffalo Bills started the 2022 NFL season as the bookmakers’ outright betting odds favorite to win the Super Bowl. 

Bookmakers continue to have the Bills as the favorite to win the Super Bowl outright. The NFL 2022 season has seen several teams move up and down in the betting odds to win the Super Bowl, yet the Bills have remained the favorite throughout.

What are the Super Bowl LVII winner-betting odds?

Here are the latest betting odds on the Super Bowl LVII winner, according to Betway as of January 3.

Some sportsbooks are not providing Super Bowl winner betting odds following the Buffalo Bills versus Cincinnati Bengals game on January 2 being suspended due to Damar Hamlin suffering a cardiac arrest during the game.

The Bills’ opening odds for the NFL season were +750. The Bengals started the campaign at +1200. Meanwhile, the San Francisco 49ers began the campaign with odds of +1600 to win the Super Bowl.

If you locked in odds on teams ahead of the NFL 2022 season’s kickoff, then you may enjoy a lucrative payout after the Super Bowl’s conclusion.

Can the Philadelphia Eagles win Super Bowl LVII?

The Eagles are the best team in the NFC with a record of 13-3. Philly have a top-class quarterback and a strong offense with weapons all over the field. The O-line protects Jalen Hurts.

In spite of a sprained shoulder, Hurts remains one of the league’s top quarterbacks and a potential MVP winner. Hurts’ shoulder could be the only thing preventing Philly from going all the way this season.

Are the Baltimore Ravens a Super Bowl LVII contender?

The Baltimore Ravens are currently the No 6 seed in the AFC. The Ravens cannot be overlooked going into the NFL Playoffs. The Bengals continued improvement this season led to the Ravens falling behind them in the AFC North.

In a one-off playoff game, the Ravens cannot be counted out even when playing one of the top AFC seeds. Quarterback Lamar Jackson is one of the best quarterbacks in the league. Jackson is a former NFL MVP and capable of winning games in the postseason.

Jackson’s fitness has been an issue this season. If the former MVP is healthy for the playoffs, the Ravens can do some damage.

Can Tom Brady win another Super Bowl?

Tom Brady has faced personal and professional issues this season, yet the Tampa Bay Buccaneers are currently the No 4 seed in the NFC. The Bucs have not been consistent this season, posting an 8-8 record at the time of writing. Tampa Bay have clinched the NFC South, however.

Brady won four of the last 10 Super Bowls. Three of those wins came while playing with New England and one with the Bucs. As long as the Bucs get into the playoffs, which they have, Brady can lead them to the Super Bowl and possibly win it.

Will the Bills win the Super Bowl?

A lot of people are on the Buffalo Bills bandwagon thanks to Josh Allen and the offense. The Bills are 0-4 in Super Bowls and all four Super Bowl defeats came in consecutive seasons from 1990 to 1993.

The Bills have looked strong throughout the season, but Monday’s cardiac arrest suffered by Damar Hamlin during the game against Cincinnati could lead to the team failing to win the Super Bowl.

Buffalo may not be the team to back at the moment to win Super Bowl LVII. It is harsh to say the Bills won’t win the Super Bowl after Hamlin’s cardiac arrest. However, the impact it has mentally on the team could stop them from lifting the Lombardi Trophy.

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