New ZCode Grand Championship Stage 1: Call for team players

New ZCode Grand Championship Stage 1: Call for team players


Everybody is IN! We are starting all over!


New Contest: Fresh New Teams
We gave it a lot of thought on how to proceed, should we keep old teams or not, and our final decision was to give an opportunity to everyone to join and start all over by randomly creating new teams without any unfair advantage or judging teams by their NFL records. You see, of course teams like Youngsters or Mustangs might want to stay but nobody would love to stay in a losing team and this would create a possible issues and not give opportunity to new guys to join the teams. If some of the old captains are selected as captains they can still keep old name /logo if they wish but team mates will be most likely new. (randomly assigned)
We decided: This is a new contest, new sports (NHL/NBA) and it does not matter how you performed on NFL, you
are in and welcome to join.
This will ensure that everybody can be on board and nobody is left behind.

Prizes: Over $3000 in Prize FUND! More prizes this time for teams that could not make it to the finals to keep everybody engaged!

Details will be announced when the contest starts. As usual we’ll have great cash prizes, hotel trips and maybe even new iPhone 5S!

The format will be very easy.
4 Members in 1 team. Each member posts 1 pick per week on NBA/NHL (no stress, not every day!)
Teams fight against each other in pairs like in real championships!
Detailed rules will be announced during the start of the contest.
The team contest format helps the members stay motivated till the end and get bigger cash prizes.
Top teams will proceed to playoffs after the regular season for the extra big prize!

As usual we’ll have extra prizes for King of NHL/NBA, and top Bench player!

Stage 1: Call for team players

January 15 – 19

During this stage we would like to see how many people will be willing to participate to form the teams. To keep it fair for all, the teams will be formed randomly. This will ensure a fair play. Everybody is in and nobody is left behind.

Remember, you don’t have to be an expert in NHL/NBA to participate! I encourage all newbies to test the skills, it’s the best chance to test the skills and even win REAL cash prize!
We get only 1 pick per week, no stress!

The captain
If you are selected a captain you will be able to become a hero! choose your team name, logo and replace the disqualified team mates (for inactivity). There is no extra work for you involved, just more fun being a leader.
I encourage more people to try to be a captain. Lead your team to the victory, prepare team strategy and motivational speech!

What I want you to do now?

In reply to this topic please post

“I am willing to participate in the team contest and win! ” also if you wish to be a possible team captain, add “I would like to be a team captain”.

P.S. Upgrade to Zcode VIP Club and Unlock All Winning Picks. Instant Access.

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