New YieldNodes Masternoding program 2021 Update

February 2021 is almost here and many of you are looking to diversify the portfolio between sports investing, stocks and crypto.
and I know many of you sent us a lot of questions about where to invest in crypto and that’s why i wanted you to update on what’s happening with Yieldnodes program since our update last year.
If you remember we did an interview with Steve, the CEO of Yieldnodes, one of the most interesting and promising crypto programs.

If missed the interview, Yieldnodes is a promising crypto investment program that is based on Masternoding which is NOT trading, ponzi scheme or mining, so loss of capital is highly unlikely. Of course nobody can guarantee the future and you need to understand all the risks in this unregulated industry but so far the returns were pretty steady, and if you check the website it generated between 10 to 13% each month. The best part it is not tied to the growth of bitcoin and if you worry about a huge bitcoin volatility lately, Yieldnodes can offset the risks and help to grow the capital no matter if bitcoin rising or going down again.

Since our last video where Yieldnodes was mostly based on SAPPHIRE coin masternoding – we can see the team was very active behind the scene and grew the network and the community, taking over and growing several promising projects such as Decentralized Exchange HELIOBANK, TRITTIUM Masternode hosting, VAULTWATCH directory,
new coins such as 777 JACKPOT, ULTRA CLEAR and AEZORA coin. This is really promising and shows the growth of the project in real time.

update_Now let me quickly update you on our account and its progress. As you can see our current MasterNoded balance is € 15647.79 and the total ROI € 2901.59
and we generated 11.1% in December 2020. We are also on a way to another 10% profit this January! Looks really good so far!

We’ll keep you updated with our progress, and if you would like to join Yieldnodes

👉 Click here

And now let me show you again our last interview with Steve, the CEO of Yieldnodes to learn more about it!

P.S. Get started with YieldNodes here​

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