MLB Picks Contest: Yankees Blue Jays Standing Update ($100 Prize)

MLB Picks Contest, $100 Prize: Yankees Blue Jays Standings Update

The Blue Jays are defending home field here and first in the AL East as the Yankees have really stumbled in this series. They got close, but they’re fading a bit and the lineup is ice cold. Hopefully my team can turn it around. Until then, here is a standings update for the contest. Remember, first to ten wins takes the $100 prize and all the glory that comes with being a Z-Code Facebook champion! haha.

Six Wins
Duane Atkinson

Five Wins
Alex Dionne

Four Wins
Izabela Janochowska
Jackson Fisher
Tommy Lemieux
Pat O’Rielley

Three Wins:
Jeff Kuper
Robert Wilson
Remiguisz Widz

Two wins:
Rolando Seng
Michal Jonchowski
Tracy Hobbes
Elias Andersen
Tyler Major-Mcnicol
Lee Kal-El Clark

One Win:
Ryan Doll
Kim DeSciscio
Aghiles Talah
David Salda
Mark Donatiello
Anthony Bud
Cholito Real Villasmil
Remigiusz Widz
Aghiles Talah
Gergely Tarjani
Angel Garcia
Paolo Cardoso
Mike Galanti
Danny Dmytroshkin
D. Sportstips
Suhrobjon Sobirov

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