Interview with Paul. Rugby and money management expert.
1. Hi Paul. Please tell us more about yourself. Where are you from?
I’m a born and bred Kiwi from Lower Hutt in New Zealand, a mad Hurricanes supporter and live for WEST TIGERS in NRL …. Just a little sports nutt, into everything.
2. Tell us a little about a Kiwi living in Australia…
It’s great, it’s warmer 🙂 Aussies tend to view us as being the little brother, the two countries are extremely competitive by nature and HATE losing to each other, no matter what the sport! I’m sure we would compete at tiddlywinks and it would be a best of 3 ANZAC series! … A downer is the beer is more expensive.
3. How did you start your betting career. What are your favorite sports to cap?
I started my career some 10 or 11 years ago. I began with the number 1 sport in my homeland Rugby Union, I went ok I guess … Nothing to rant and rave about but I made a dollar or two. I really enjoy Rugby Union and Rugby League, they would be my favourite sports to cap.
4.You’re having a nice streak with your parlays, How do you select the experts and picks?
Yeah, they are going ok at the moment, as everyone knows Parlays are risky …. Very risky, but I enjoy the ups and downs and the challenges they present. MLB has been rather generous of late for me, I simply filter the EXPERTS I follow, their selections, If I get 4-6 saying take a particular team I then move over to zcode and check the head to head chances …. I look for a range from 58 to 63% ++ Winning chance. I also check with KISS and ALPHA hopefully all is in agreeance. Check Public Monies and Spreads, It then gets a green light to go. I don’t proclaim to be an expert in MLB In fact Pedro summed it up nicely when he said “Paul wouldn’t know a baseball from a pineapple” I laugh but you know …. He’s right. I simply do the above every night … Every day, and that’s the great thing about zcode. You don’t have to be a great capper, all you need to do is go with the experts and zcode … And exercise a little common sense and you WIN.
5. Which factors makes you pull the trigger?
All of the above combined, generally means it’s a pretty good selection.
6. We know that you and your wife are really hardcore Zcoders, how that is working?
It’s a nut house to say the least, the best part is she’s every blokes dream, bit of she’s a sports nut as well, big a Rugby Union enthusiast and good knowledge of AFL … What more can a bloke want in woman? I think we have a good system in place, she’s up every morning now getting my morning breakfast and coffees at 4.30am, as I work for da man till around 16.30…. She has a look at lines etc for the next days games, makes the odd live play courtesy of Omega, we devote 4hrs per day for the family and spend time with the kids (teenagers). Once they are off to their rooms, we become like the NASA space centre, iPhones and tablets in all directions, we will work thru till around midnight or 2.30am and repeat the cycle 7 days a week!! It’s a real team effort.
7. You have a very solid knowledge of Rugby, tell us about your background
I played tight head prop in my younger years in Rugby Union. Played Front Row forward in Rugby League. You tend to build a bit of knowledge from experience in the game. Basically Rugby Union in New Zealand is a religion. We are the best in the world at it, every father’s dream is to kit his kids out in All Black gear as soon as possible post birth! Seriously though, I get to watch a lot, all the NRL ,ITM Cup and Super Rugby, never miss a game! My head kind of becomes like a sponge.
8. You have increased your BR almost 5 times since you join ZCode,what’s your secret?
No secret here guys, you all know it, we have 3 different BR’s each one follows zcode system and 2-4 Experts. We stick with the system and DON’T change. Unless the expert drops off zcode. Once a BR doubles we split it and open another and start again utilising a zcode system and a team of experts again.No BIG secrets, try to adhere to the rules of not investing more than 10% of the BR every day, leaving all monies in the account for a 12 month period at least before we will take our commission 🙂 …. In saying that we do have a “family” one which is used for paying bills, like electricity, gas, phones, rates, holidays and the like.
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