Peter the Spiderman: How to get started and become a winner without needing experience. The way of the warrior.

Sports Betting Podcast by Zcode
Sports Betting Podcast by Zcode
Peter the Spiderman: How to get started and become a winner without needing experience. The way of the warrior.

You know, we’ve been doing a lot of interviews with betting gurus
and sports investing veterans with 30+ years of experience, and I know
what you are thinking… well of course they are winning, it’s easy for
them with so many years of experience… but what if I am just starting
out? Can I really succeed without extensive experience and so
many years of learning the sports? Today we have an interview that
addresses just that! Welcome Peter Parker, aka The Spiderman, and his
“way of the warrior” on how to become a winner without having to amass 30+
years of experience!
In this show:

+ Peter, you always say that you don’t need tens
of years crunching sports to be a winner! How does a newbie get started?

+ The difference between being a player and being a sports investor.

+ How to treat sports investing as a business.

+ 90% of newbies fail fast: how to avoid the pitfalls.

+ The 3 most important things you must understand if you want to succeed.

+ First steps in sports investing for newbies.

+ How to find winners and master picking the winning plays.

+ Overwhelmed by the variety of systems and tools? How to make sense of
it and start winning.

+ The exact steps that we need to follow to become winners.

+ Peter’s famous 30 day money management plan that he developed
and how it can be applied to systems.

+ Spiderman and his Zcode Academy where he shares videos, tips and

I hope you really enjoyed this one and I really want to hear from you!
Imagine if you could ask a question direct to our star interview
guests and experts, what question would it be? Share your main
question and your main challenge in sports investing, and we’ll make sure
to reply to it in the next episode. Simply go to and answer the 3 questions that I prepared for
you!! Do it now, it will take you less than 30 seconds!