Interview with legendary Dan, the developer of his own successful systems on all major sports

Sports Betting Podcast by Zcode
Sports Betting Podcast by Zcode
Interview with legendary Dan, the developer of his own successful systems on all major sports


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In this episode we have one of the amazing cappers of the Zcode community, Dan. He is making solid results with his picks and providing profits with the revolutionary ”Martingale system”, “East Meets West NBA” system and “TVS System”. He is an expert of the Major American Sport and knows how to extract profit!

In this podcast we’ll talk about:

-First steps of Dan to make seriously the sports investing.
-How his systems were created
-The reason of his Martingale system and profit potential
-The key to choose the picks of his systems.
-The backtesting behind the systems
-The tips how to follow and profit
-His thoughts on future systems.
-Why he chose Zcode to grew as a sports investor.
-Tips for he would become a professional of the business.
-Secrets and motivational phrases.
