Jake, the Tennis Legend. 300 units of profit by betting on tennis + Live Betting Secrets.

Hi guys, Scott here, and welcome to another episode of our Zcode Sports
Betting Podcast that will help you to become a successful sports


We try our best to bring you best of the best, the most inspiring
guests who share their message, their systems and their picks with you
in order to help you succeed. We take sports betting really
seriously and treat it as a business; because if done right, there is
tons of money to be made by professionally investing in sports. And you
heard right, I said investing in sports, not gambling on sports.

Today I have a special guest on our show. Jake is one of the youngest
and the most successful tennis handicappers around. During this year alone, he
made over 300 units of profit by professionally betting on tennis using
his pre-game picks, live bets and special big-size bombs! But let’s
hear from the master himself. Jake, welcome to the show!

In this episode:

+ Like many listeners, I don’t know much about tennis except for those
Anna Kournikova and Maria Sharapova photos. So for those who have never bet
on tennis, please tell us the steps that you need to take to get started.

+ What are the most popular bookies who support tennis bets?

+ What are the most common tennis bet types? I know you are doing
some sort of pre-game bets and live bets?

+ I heard Wimbledon starts soon – possibly the most famous tennis tournament
in the world due to its prestige. Tell us more about your profit
expectations for it, and the event itself.

+ What other big tennis tournaments do you usually bet on throughout the
year, and what is their profit potential?

+ You made over 300 units of profit on tennis, including live betting.
For those who are new to Zcode, tell us more about how you do your live
betting sessions in the Zcode VIP club, and how it all works.

+ Is it hard for people who are not tennis fans to follow your system?

+ How did you become so successful? You were also amongst the top
leaders of the last Zcode Streak contest.

+ What are your secrets of managing your bankroll and staying profitable
during the hot and cold streaks?

Imagine if you could ask a question directly of our star interview
guests and experts. What question would it be? Share your main
question and your main challenge in sports investing and we’ll make sure
to reply to it in the next episode. Simply go to
zcodesystem.com/3questions and reply to three questions that I prepared for
you! Do it now, it will take less than 30 seconds!

By the way, we are in the middle of the hot baseball summer. So make
sure to check out the new automatic MLB baseball betting robots such
as the KISS system and Alpha and Delta trends.
They give automatic picks with unit sizes and they use a fully backtested
approach, it’s a complete no-brainer for guys who are just starting out.
It’s a jump start for your betting!

P.S. Upgrade to Zcode VIP Club and Unlock All Winning Picks. Instant Access.

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